Now I’m a bit of a fan of the old bush walk here in Queensland, Australia. So, I would like to share some photos from our bush walk to the Purling Brook Falls in Springbrook National Park.
Springbrook National Park is about an hour and a half drive from Brisbane. And is home to some amazing water falls, bush walks and swimming holes.
How long is the Purling Brook Falls circuit?
The Purling Brook Falls circuit is a 4km return circuit. The sign said it would take about 2 hours to complete, so we had our backpack with cameras, water and snacks. The weather was perfect for a walk in the bush. Not too hot but too cold for a swim. None the less we started our mission.

Pro tip -Make sure you do the circuit in a clockwise direction. This way at the end of your hike you don’t have to walk up 450 steps to get back up to the top 👍

The walk started off as a sealed path which lead to a sign with some aboriginal names and meanings. Which we got schooled up on.

The trail is covered by a huge tree canopy which made the temperature very pleasing. Not long we arrived at the first viewing point at the top of Purling Brook Falls.
It was a beautiful sight and we could see below the 106 meter water fall to our preferred viewing point.

We passed through the gate to start the walk down and was greeted by the local gate keeper.. a water dragon.

This guy loved posing for the camera.

We made our way down the steps to the bottom of the mountain.

Until we finally made it to the bottom of the Purling Brook Falls AKA the dancing waters.
Purling Brook Falls!

They call it the dancing waters as the waterfall is so large, the wind blows the water around and makes it look like the water is dancing as it hits the rocks below.

This is the perfect spot for a swim in summer time!

We relaxed by the waters edge and took in our amazing surroundings.

Then it was time to keep the party going and find our way to the Warringa pools. Which is a 2km return walking track from the bottom of the Purling Brook Falls.
The forest was so lush and green, and it was a very pleasant walk, as it was not up or down a mountain haha.

It wasn’t long until we found our self at the Warringa pools.

This is the perfect place for a swim! But as I said earlier a bit too cold for that. So we had some lunch by the water.

Then spent an hour chasing the blue yabbies around in the creek.

Before we knew it it was time to make our way back to the car.

A local scrub turkey came past to say hello.

Once we made it back to the Purling Brook Falls you will see a suspension bridge to your left. This will take you back up to the top of the Falls.

We found another viewing platform at the top of the Falls which was so amazing!

As we walked back to the car we were all discussing what we were going to get for dinner at a pub that we would find on the way home.

But when we finally made it back to the car and I checked my pockets and I couldn’t find the keys…
I frantically emptied my bag but to no avail. The keys were nowhere in sight ahhhhh.
I thought maybe I locked them in the boot or maybe they fell out of my pocket somewhere on the 6km walk we just did..
The sun was going down so we called RACQ to come and help us get into our car. They said they will be 40 min until they will arrive. Which wasn’t too bad at all, seeing as though we were in the middle of the mountains.

I thought I will quickly run back to the first look out and see if I had dropped them there by any chance. But no luck…
We passed a little pub on the way in. which was close to the car park we were stuck at. So we could have a beer while we waited for RACQ to arrive.
This was a great way to take the edge off while we waited. They also had some beautiful local wild parrots that we could feed which was really cool.

The RACQ guy finally arrived and broke into our car but the keys were still nowhere to be seen.
I asked if he could show me how to hot wire the car but apparently that wasn’t an option for the Kia 😔
He said our only hope of getting home was by tow truck. So he made some calls to get a quote.
He came back with the cheapest quote he could get and it was $650!! Holy shit that is alot of money. We got the tow trucks number as the RACQ guy left us.
We have a spare key at home, so thought, let’s see if our house mate would be keen to drop off the key and we give her $250… Renee gave her a call and like the legend she is she said she will come and drop off the key for us!
Now seeing that we had one and a half hours to wait.. why don’t we go for one last walk to see if we can find it on the trail some where? As we got to the start of the trail at the entrance, there the key was sitting on the rocks at the entrance.
Woohooooooo we all jumped for joy in excitement. How lucky is that? The mission that was trying to find a needle in a hay stack turned up right at the entrance. Some legend must of found it on the trail and left it there for us!
We called our house mate to tell her the great news. Then we all jumped in the car with the quickness and headed to the first pub we could find.
I’ll tell you what that steak and beer never tasted so good!
So, if you’re ever in Brisbane or the Gold Coast make sure you check out the Purling Brook Falls. Also make sure your car key is secure haha.
Note – If you’re after a guided tour with transportation from the Gold Coast, check out Backpacker deals 😉
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Thanks for stopping by and happy travels!!