Did you know there is an elephant on Norfolk Island???… Well technically it’s an elephant shaped rock but that doesn’t make it any less awesome!
Elephant rock was definitely my favourite view on Norfolk Island, as this rock is shaped like my favourite animal!
Now the hike there is from Captain Cook Point and it is magnificent!

The starting point is a look out at the five islets: Moo-oo, Green Pool, Cathedral Rock, Bird Rock and Elephant Rock.

Then the trek begins.

First off you head down the Bridle track, along the beautiful coast line surrounded by Norfolk Island pine tress and white oaks.

There are some stunning view points.

Green Pool

Cathedral Rock

And a bench to sit and enjoy the sea birds flying over head.

There is so much old man’s beards on the trees here!

Now follow this trail for about one kilometre until you reach a short cut trail called Red Stone Link trail. Which is 700 meters to Bird rock.

Use this trail to avoid the steep Bird rock trail as we later found out the hard way ha ha.

On this trail you pass through rainforest and pine forest until you get to the Elephant and Bird rock look out.

Now Bird rock is the perfect spot for the sea birds to safely nest.

During the warmer months, September through to early May, hundreds of birds make their nest on this rock. And you see them constantly flying in and out of the cave in the rock.

Now Elephant rock is just spectacular. Especially how the ocean has carved a hole in the rock to form an elephant trunk. It is truly magnificent.. And I have never seen anything like it before!

What a beautiful rock formation mother earth has made here ❤️

The view of the coast line here is also breath taking.

But I decided to walk down the steep hill a bit further for a better shot of Elephant rock.

But some of the cliff edge has given away. So I didn’t get too close to the edge.

After relaxing here for a bit it was time to make our way back to Captain Cook Point. And this is where we made a big mistake!..
Instead of heading back the way we came, there was a cross road with the Bird rock trail. And we thought why not try this trail to get back to the Bridle trail?…..
Little did we know this trail was 760 meters straight up hill!!! Oh man what a mistake this was ha ha.

The hill is very steep and we later found out that this trail is the hardest on the island… Let alone going up the hill!

But if you want to give this one a go, my advice would be, do it on your way to Elephant rock! That way you’re walking down hill instead of battling it up hill 😉
Along the way back we found a nice bench under the trees. Which sure was a great resting spot after that hill climb!

After our well earnt rest we headed back to our car. What an amazing hike this was!
Even with the detour on the way back, the hike to Elephant rock was definitely my favourite on Norfolk Island!
I hope you enjoyed the virtual hike with us 😊 and don’t forget the journey is all we have 😁!!
Happy travels